President, Aliya F. Browne, DO
Trustees Emeriti
William Adams, Joann Kidd, Anne H. Parsons, and
Richard L. Taylor, president emeritus
Rev. Dr. Aliya F. Browne, President
Heidi Bryan, Vice President
Stephanie Parker, Secretary
Kamla Branche, Treasurer
Union Chapel Trustees
Rachele Browne
Brenda Bryan
Cindy Carter
Alvin R Johnson
Louise Johnson
Robert Jennings, Sexton
Kathleen McGhee-Anderson
Ginny McIntosh
Roger Morris
Kevin Myatt
Jeanna Shepard
Andrew Skeen
Ann Stewart
Ed Trayes
Diane Welburn
Lois Jean White
Sabrina Williams
Kharma Finley-Wallace, Director of Operations
William “Bill” Peek, Jr, Music Director
The Union Chapel building is owned and managed by the Vineyard Preservation Trust. If you would like to rent the building for weddings and events, please contact the Vineyard Preservation Trust HERE